Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Jena 6 September 20th Rally

On September 20th, there will be rally for Mychal Bell--the first of the Jena 6 to be convicted--whose scheduled to be sentenced on this day.

ColorofChange.org is requesting you to RSVP if you can attend this event.

Mychal is facing 22 years in prison and he needs all the help, support, and prayers that he can get.

Our presence in Jena--in large numbers--will help focus media attention on the situation in Jena, escalate pressure on Louisiana public officials, and most importantly, show the families of the Jena 6, especially Mychal Bell and his parents, that we will stand with them in the face of this injustice.

James Rucker, the Executive Director of Colorofchange, wrote

" On July 31st, with only a few days to prepare, 300 people from across the country rallied at the Jena Courthouse. We delivered a petition signed by 43,000 ColorOfChange.org members to the District Attorney demanding that he drop the charges against the Jena 6. It was a powerful day that made it clear that the Jena 6 and their families won't have to fight on their own. Since then, more than 100,000 people have taken action and contacted the Governor, media attention to the case has grown, and we have an even bigger opportunity to make a profound impact."

Once you're confident you can come, please rsvp at the following:

If you have questions, you can send them to jena@colorofchange.org.

If you can't come, don't worry. Just go to http://www.colorofchange.org/ website and sign up. They will send out emails and updates on how you can help and get involved.

For more infor on the Jena 6 please click here


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M said...

Gabby you can check the magazine at http://powermagazine.org