Monday, September 10, 2007

Jena Six Update

This past Sunday, Rev, Jesse jackson of the Rainbow/PUSH coalition paid a visit to the town of Jena, La. During his visit he met with the LaSalle Parish sheriff and he had hopes of meeting with LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters and the judge on the case, but these two meetings never came to fruition. Jackson also went to the jail and met with 17 year old Mychal Bell, who has been convicted and jailed in connection with the incident.

“American justice is on trial in Jena. The world is watching,” Jackson told “The more outside pressure is applied, the greater the impact.”

It was also on Sunday that Al Sharpton called for an investigation of Reed Walters. He also said that he would be joining thousands of people in Jena on Thursday, Sept. 20 -- the day Bell is scheduled to be sentenced on an aggravated second-degree battery conviction.

We cannot sit back and watch this travesty of justice continue to play itself out in Jena and not do anything. It's the children of Jena today, but one day it may be your children. We as black people need to stop being reactive and become pro-active. In the words of the talented artist Mos Def "I should not have to live in Two Americas."

If you need or desire more information about the rally in Jena on the 20th of this month please check out my previous post on this subject.

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